
Showing posts from 2019

semester one exam


Semester 1 Reflection

Quality of My Work:  i tried to make my images as clear and concise as possible and took MANY photos to make that happen. i feel like in my assignments i did what was asked of me, however i need to work on getting them in on time. it took many trial and error ideas and photos before it all came together but i'd prefer to take more photos of each project to get a better viewpoint. Effort:  as said in my last paragraph i took many photos, but i feel like i could put more time and effort into those photos. i was so focused on just getting it done that i didn't really care about making the assignment the best it could be. i tended to avoid doing the max because i was afraid i wouldn't finish it in time or it would turn out bad. i love looking at my classmate's photos and seeing a pice of what goes on inside their minds. however i don't really like looking at my own photos because i know i can do better. Participation:  i am always on time for class because i

gottfried helnwein p.2

in the third enlarged image taken by gottfried helnwein, i see a young girl plastered on a billboard. however in the zoomed picture i originally thought she was a grown woman. she has blonde hair. blue eyes,  and a sullen expression. the size of the image effects the overall meaning of the image because it looks like the man is photoshopped when in reality he's climbing the board. the piece is titled "the last girl" which could sound menacing or sweet, depending on hoe you listen to it. the location seems industrial and looks like the wall of a factory. maybe the people walking down that alleyway will see the image and appreciate it. i feel like the intended audience is whoever wants to see it.

gottfried helnwein

in my mind, the image conveys a strong sense of mystery. is the image photoshopped? or is it just made to look like it? in the photo i think a man is photoshopped onto the woman's face, using a strand of her hair as a tether to climb up her face. Or possibly a man climbing up a billboard or poster of some sort. i think the photographer's intent was to take a shot of an artistic piece and leave the interpretation to the reader.

Dream Lodge Hotel






3 doors project


The Power of Internet Images: response

1. the words that came to my mind when looking at Jenny's Instagram page would be daring, curious, adventure-seeking, trouaville-istic, and artistic. 2. and yeah she was successful in portraying these words. 3. a good role model for her followers on social media yes but we don't know how she really is behind the screen. possibly a good mother or friend but we don't know what she's like in real life



photographing my fear

clamoraphobia- fear of crying in public

perfectly symmetrical


inside me


back to school


lost in the world- questions

the general premise of this video would be the damage done to our society because of technology. technology has its benefits, yet its also taking over our minds as we now tend to look at the world through the distorted lens of our phones and social media. yes, i think this video is highly effective in conveying the message to the viewer. showing us how we are more focused on our technology and getting everything on record instead of living in the moment and worrying about the problems at hand.


rule of thirds: pattern: focal point: symmetry: balance: texture: contrast: depth: