Semester 1 Reflection

Quality of My Work: 

i tried to make my images as clear and concise as possible and took MANY photos to make that happen. i feel like in my assignments i did what was asked of me, however i need to work on getting them in on time. it took many trial and error ideas and photos before it all came together but i'd prefer to take more photos of each project to get a better viewpoint.


as said in my last paragraph i took many photos, but i feel like i could put more time and effort into those photos. i was so focused on just getting it done that i didn't really care about making the assignment the best it could be. i tended to avoid doing the max because i was afraid i wouldn't finish it in time or it would turn out bad. i love looking at my classmate's photos and seeing a pice of what goes on inside their minds. however i don't really like looking at my own photos because i know i can do better.


i am always on time for class because i take the bus, and i normally always work independently except when i ask for help from a fellow student. i do what i can on my assignment and if i have any left over homework i work on that.


i can definitely improve on my photography and work and i will do so 2nd semester. i feel like next semester will be a chance for me to start fresh and be better at what i love doing. my projects will be thought of outside the box and will show all the creativity i have.


i'm going to spend way more time on my assignments and do my very best. i'm going to put more
effort into my pictures and turn in work on time.

II: Suggestion 

i want to photograph people, or the class can partner up and take photos of each other, maybe put some cool editing and colors on the pictures. and FILM!! ive wanted to shoot with disposables for so long!


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